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As our community grows so do issues in community safety. A previous council felt that they were not getting value for the investment in police services. The decision was made to down grade the service package available from the OPP. The result eliminated staff in the Loyalist service area while at the same time the township population was growing. With the change services moved towards a Lennox & Addington service area which is based in Napanee. In the down grading of the service package Loyalist also lost the ability to have its own Police Services Board and thus a say in the policing matters. If elected I would ask that council revisit our current agreement with the OPP as we continue to grow in population. While we can do our individual part by simple things like locking our doors, garages and cars the police are stretched thin and have challenges in finding the time to provide preventative services. One of the consistent issues I’ve heard from my last campaign to the present is traffic enforcement. The township has the ability to create traffic calming measures and it should do so. One traffic fatality is too many! Future community planning must make traffic calming a part of any community plan.


Community Safety: Press
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