August 8th Committee of Adjustment
August 14th 15th Session of Council
August 20th-23rd Association of Municipalities of Ontario
August 30th Conservation Authority Board Meeting
August 8th Committee of Adjustment
SR2420 Westfield Drive Amherstview
Council approved a minor variance at 11 Westfield Drive to reduce front and rear setbacks.
For a more detailed account of the meeting it can be found at
August 14th 15th Session of Council
I attended this session virtually as a previously scheduled family vacation had been planned.
On his retirement Roddy Todd was recognized for 45 years of service to Loyalist Emergency Services and its predecessor municipality
We received the 2022 Financial Statements and approved the draft to be filed with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing SR-2402
Renewed Township insurance at a cost of slightly over $937,000 SR-2441
Approved an application to the Federal Government to the Federal Housing Accelerator Plan Sr-2455
The Splash Pad Feasibility Report was received SR-2386
Approved an extension of the Loyalist Shores Phase 2 to August 2026 SR-2453
Received Report SR-2445 and passed By-law to life part lot control on Lakeside Ponds Phase 2 Stage 3
Heritage Applications were approved for Fairfield Gutzeit House in Bath and Dry Stone Well Restoration on Amherst Island SR-2447
Budget Transfer for Public Works Garage Expansion was approved SR-2425
Emma Street Servicing Agreement was received SR-2452
Building Reports were received for June & July SR-2052
SR-2421 was received from the working group updating Council on Accessibility compliance with AODA Transportation with the Ministry
For a more detailed account of the meeting it can be found at
August 20th-23rd Association of Municipalities of Ontario
I attended the annual Association of Municipalities of Ontario Conference in London along with other members of Council. Climate change, homelessness, youth engagement and focus on the aging were the major themes throughout the many presentations. Council along with Township staff met with Minister of Transportation Caroline Mulroney to discuss our concerns with the roll out of the new Amherst Island Ferry. Deputy Mayor Townend outlined our concerns to the local media which can be found at
A brief summary of the sessions I attended are outlined below.
Freedom to Move
Connecting rural Ontario
Communities of the future will depend on efficient, integrated mobility networks to service its population
Best practices were explored with examples from Ontario
Moving Towards an Accessible Ontario by 2025
Took stock of were we are now in Ontario and what is still needed to be done to meet the targets set out by the Ontario government
Bridging the Gap in Seniors Housing
Solutions and options for seniors housing were presented that went beyond long term care and retirement homes
How to expand supported seniors housing through policy decision
Addressing Housing Challenges
Research, innovation and data driven policy making are central to future success in housing
Case studies were presented by universities who are currently working on unique housing options
The Importance of Parks and Recreation
Building facilities where people want to live
How to work with community groups to provide services that are mutually beneficial to both parties
Working With Non-Profits
Relationship building was emphasized with several shared programs which are examples of best practices in Ontario
The Importance of Engaging Youth
Getting youth involved in local issues involves engaging them where they are
Root Causes of Homelessness
An excellent presentation which outlined the policy decisions, or lack of, that have led to the homelessness crisis
August 30th Conservation Authority Board Meeting
The following items were on the agenda and discussed by the board
General Manager's Monthly Progress Report
CRCA Strategic Plan
CRCA Capital Projects
Emerald Ash Borer Wasp Release Program
Afforestation Update
Budget Review
Get Informed, Get Involved
Updates on consultations now underway, such as the Community Hub and Amherstview West Secondary Plan, can be found at the following link.
The 2024 Budget engagement is under way and you are invited to add your input. Go to the following link and spend no more than 10 minutes completing the survey. Survey closes September 29th.
Updates to the Strategic Plan are coming in the fall. To receive information and updates on the process register at the following link.
The township is pleased to be able to offer accessible transit service in partnership with the Kingston Area Taxi Commission (KATC). Having access to a dependable and equitable accessible transit service will help connect people, improve mobility to and from work, school, and access services.
Loyalist Township will begin accepting applications for the program commencing August 31, 2023.
Our accessible transportation web page is packed with information so please provide the link to anyone who is looking for more information.
Our Physician Recruitment Plan continues to look for new physicians for Loyalist. The following clinic is open to all residents of Lennox & Addington County should you not have access to a doctor.
Loyalist Township Renews Popular Red Envelope Program The concept is quite simple, residents are provided with a red envelope and an emergency patient information form. Residents fill the information in on the form including any allergies, medication, medical history, family doctor and an alternate contact. The form goes in the envelope and the envelope gets attached to the fridge. “Having this information available to first responders in an emergency situation can be a difference maker when a person is in medical distress and is unable to communicate with the attending emergency personnel,” said Director of Emergency Services & Fire Chief Fred Stephenson.
The Red Envelope Program is available for pickup for no charge at the Municipal Office in Odessa, the Amherstview and Odessa Fire Stations as well as at the Loyalist Family Health Care facility at 200 Speers Blvd in Amherstview.
Looking forward to being on air with CJAI 101.3 Amherst Island Radio this coming fall. I'll be in the noon-2:00pm time slot on Thursdays. Spinning some tunes interspersed with some local talk.