Sessions Attended
December 2 Water Treatment Facilities Tour
December 5 Committee of the Whole Orientation Session
December 5 Committee of the Whole Meeting
December 8 CAO Recruitment Committee
December 12 Committee of Adjustment
December 12 Regular Council Meeting #2
December 13 CAO Recruitment Committee
December 14 CAO Recruitment Committee
December 15 Cataraqui Conservation Full Authority Board Hearing
Water Treatment Facilities Tour
Staff gave a tour to members of council in early December. I was very impressed with the knowledge and pride all staff took in their jobs. Receiving top grades in all Ministry inspections our facilities are leaders in the province winning awards for innovation.
Committee of the Whole
Staff gave a training session to all members of council before the first session of the committee.
Members of the committee received the annual update of the Recreation Master Plan from staff. Staff was also directed to include the costs of running additional recreation and leisure programs in Odessa in 2023 in the upcoming budget considerations. Township staff were also directed to develop a public consultation plan for the possibility of a splash pad for Loyalist Township and return the results to the committee for future consideration.
Committee of Adjustment
A minor variance was approved and a report was given by staff on Technical Consent Applications approved in 2022.
Regular Council Meeting #2
Approved Committee of the Whole minutes for December 5th Meeting (above).
A housekeeping update of a previous Zoning By-law to correct previous map errors was approved.
A by-law to reduce parking requirements at 124 William Henderson Drive was approved
Temporary borrowing by-law was approved
An agreement with L&A County to provide by-law enforcement on selected County roads was approved
I was pleased to move and have the unanimous support of Council to approve a Chesterfield-Tareyton-Baker Restoration Project
Council received reports on the More Homes For Everyone Act andf a report on the Escalation of Building Fees from staff
For more details of the meeting it can be accessed at
Cataraqui Conservation Full Authority Board Hearing
As the Township representative on the board I sat in on an application for shoreline rehabilitation in Leeds and the Thousand Islands Township which was approved.
Personal Update
Currently I am sitting on the following committees of council
Committee of the Whole
CAO Recruitment Committee
Committee of Adjustment
Cataraqui Conservation Authority
Renewable Energy Vibrancy Fund Advisory Committee
Recreation Committee
I filed my campaign expenses and to summarize:
campaign expenses totalled $905 for literature and website expenses
I received no donations and paid $905 out of pocket
Lawn signs were $2198 which were an expense from 2018 and credited as required by the Municipal Act
Figures rounded to the nearest dollar
Community Hub
I would encourage residents to inform themselves on the Community Hub project. Two drop-in public information sessions will be held at the W.J. Henderson Recreation Centre on January 16th, 2023. There will be an afternoon session from 12-3 PM and an evening session from 5–8 PM.
For future information go to
Best of the season to all, be safe and have a happy and prosperous new year.