January 9th 23rd Session of Council
January 10th Cataraqui Conservation
January 18th Cataraqui Conservation
January 21st Rural Ontario Municipal Association
January 22nd Rural Ontario Municipal Association
January 23rd Rural Ontario Municipal Association
January 30th Committee of the Whole
January 31st Committee of Adjustment
January 9th 23rd Session of Council
Information from Council In Brief which can be found at
The entire meeting can be found at
Appointments - Committee of Adjustment and Appeals Committee
Sean Preston, Susan Hajnik, Grant Lindsay and Evelyn Latham were appointed to the Committee of Adjustment and Appeals Committee. Councillor Willis, Councillor Proderick, and Deputy Mayor Townend were appointed to the Committee of Adjustment.
Umicore Battery Materials Canada Inc. request for a Noise By-Law Exemption at 5218 Taylor Kidd Boulevard, Bath Representatives of Umicore Battery Materials Canada Inc. attended the meeting and provided comments regarding this request. Council approved Umicore Battery Materials Inc.’s Noise By-Law exemption request under Activity 4, 5 and 13 of Schedule 2 between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. daily and on Sundays and holidays. The exemption is effective until July 2, 2024 and applies to 5218 Taylor Kidd Boulevard, Bath.
Interim Tax Levy By-law 2024-4 The By-law to provide for an interim tax levy, payment of taxes and to provide penalty and interest of 1.25%, was approved. Lakeside Ponds Phase 2 Stage 3, Block 103 - Plan 29M-69 - Part Lot Control Request
The By-law to lift part lot control requirements for Block 103 on Registered Plan 29M-69, for the Lakeside Ponds Phase 2 Stage 3, Plan of Subdivision, was approved. D14-020-2023 -
Loyalist Estates Phase 11 - Request to Remove Holding Symbol The By-law to remove the holding symbol with respect to Part of Lots 8 & 9, Concession 1, was approved.
By-Law 2024-6 a by-law to amend By-Law 2020-060 a by-law to regulate the operation of Township Cemeteries (received first reading on January 9, 2024)
By-law 2024-7 a by-law to appoint Andrew Field as the Acting Deputy Fire Chief for the Loyalist Township Fire Department Information
FoodCycler Pilot Program Follow-up
Council authorized immediate expansion of the pilot project by another 100 units at a rate $100 per unit subsidy from the Township, in addition to the subsidy provided by Impact Canada; and Council further directed staff to develop a detailed feasibility study for further expansion that includes best practices from other municipalities, consideration of alternative units including bulk solutions where appropriate, and a cost benefit analysis including what is the value of the extended life of landfills and reduction of waste collection costs, and to consider funding options including the Green Municipal Fund.
Building Activity Report - November 2023
Bath DWS - MECP 2023/24 Compliance Inspection Report
Retirement Members of Council acknowledged and thanked Fred Stephenson, Fire Chief, Loyalist Township for his 28 years of service, his dedication and leadership. Council wished Chief Stephenson all the best in his retirement.
January 10th Cataraqui Conservation
I was selected to serve on the hiring committee for the new general manager of the authority. Our previous manager left for a position with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. This session looked at our procedures for the process moving forward.
January 18th Cataraqui Conservation
At this session the committee selected candidates for interviews later in February. From a list of ten candidates we selected four to take part in the final step. over seventy people had applied for the position.
January 21st-23rd Rural Ontario Municipal Association
This multi-day conference held numerous workshops and speakers which are outlined briefly below. The highlight of the conference was the meeting with the Minister of Transport Sakaria in regards to the Amherst Island Ferry which is summarized below.
Leadership Building with Shane Feldman
How to connect with others
Breaking down Silos
Elevating innovation
ROMA Strategic Plan
Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
Status of rural Ontario
Feeding Ontario
Rural municipalities supporting food security with community partners and agricultural community
going forward in Ontario energy plans
Addressing Municipal Staff Reduction and Recruitment
Major challenge for todays municipalities
Supporting workplace culture
Addressing challenges maintaining services
Indigenoius Partners
Power of collaboration
Access to Services in Rural Ontario
Issues, innovations and solutions to a healthier, sustainable rural Ontario
Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Paul Calandra
update on provincial housing strategy
Speaker Athia Raj
Impact of polarization on public decision decision making
Met with township team and Minister of Transport Sakaria in regards to ferry service
Agreed to a path forward to commission the Amherst Islander II
HELM to provide management services to commission the Islander
The goal is to provide uninterrupted service for residents
More information can be found at https://www.loyalist.ca/en/news/update-on-amherst-islander-ii-following-roma-conference.aspx
January 30th Committee of the Whole
The Committee of the Whole met three times to discuss the 2024 Budget. The Budget Package and video of the meeting can be found at
January 31st Committee of Adjustment
A new committee was struck for this year under new membership. The committee consists of three members of council and four members of the public. Our first meeting nominated Deputy Mayor Townend as chair and myself as vice-chair. Two items were on the agenda,
Committee training on land use, variances, consents and the Ontario Land Tribunal
Training on committee procedures and best practices
The Agenda and meeting video can be found at
Lennox & County Council agendas and minutes can be found at
CamSafe Launch
A reminder that the OPP launched CamSafe the security camera program in our township. Registering your camera with CamSafe allows the OPP to locate cameras that may be of assistance instead of going door to door in a neighbourhood looking for info. This is a totally volunteer program which is available to all residents and no cost and can be withdrawn from at anytime. The shot below is me walking our dog as seen by our camera which we have signed up for the program. For further information go to https://www.loyalist.ca/en/news/camsafe-program-launches-in-loyalist-township.aspx or https://camsafe.ca/
A reminder that our accessible transportation web page www.loyalist.ca/accessibletransit is packed with information so please provide the link to anyone who is looking for more information.
Loyalist Township uses the CodeRED notification system to help us get important messages to you quickly when an emergency is happening. CodeRED is a notification system you can sign up for. When you subscribe you will get alerts about emergencies and other important situations happening near you. We can deliver alerts to you by phone, text, email, or TDD for the hearing impaired, depending on what you choose. To sign up go tp the following link.
On air with CJAI 101.3 Amherst Island Radio in the noon-2:00pm time slot on Thursdays. Spinning some tunes interspersed with some local talk. If you know of any potential guests in the area who may wish to join me drop me a line! On the internet at cjai.ca