June 3 Committee of Adjustment
June 4th WJ Henderson Recreation Renewal Fund Raising Committee
June 5-8 Federation of Canadian Municipalities
June 11th Council and Committee of the Whole Meeting
June 25th Council and Committee of the Whole Meeting
June 27th Heritage Committee
June 3 Committee of Adjustment
Request for Consent Certificate of Cancellation - 201 Caton Road - Tracy Lasher was approved
You can view the Committee of Adjustment meeting on YouTube including the Agenda Package
June 4th WJ Henderson Recreation Renewal Fund Raising Committee
Presentation by MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architect (MJMA Architecture & Design) regarding signage and donor recognition
June 5-8 Federation of Canadian Municipalities
I attended the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Conference in Calgary. The national conference is a vehicle to share best practices of other municipalities both urban and rural. I have had discussions with senior managers on items that may be valuable to our township such as housing, organic waste to energy and community energy systems. Unfortunately two of tours were cancelled due to the state of emergency in Calgary, tours of their water filtration centre and emergency operations centre became victims of the emergency. I certainly learned a lot about emergency systems and communications as well as the community reaction to the situation. I had a change to talk with out senior management on how Loyalist is prepared for such an emergency.
Shifting to Net-Zero Communities
Presentations on various projects throughout Canada including factors that make projects successful, lessons learned, how communities are advancing solutions to achieve environmental, social and economic goals.
Platform Calgary
This was a tour of a community start up centre. Developed with the support of the City of Calgary the centre is designed to find investment, talent and industry connections, resources and programs to support start ups throughout the growth process.
Rural Resiliency
Exploring growth in terms of emands on housing, infrastructure and community services in Canada's rural and remote communities was the focus of this session.
Green Municipal Funds
Urban forestry experts, and GMF staff explored the the approaches to expanding community tree canopies. As part of community sustainability goals this session explored many different ideas for community growth in this area.
CNR Safety Panel
Living in an area heavily influenced by the CNR this presentation gave me an understanding of the various methods that the CNR have implemented to prevent and respond to emergencies within the field. There is a vast amount of plans and services in place which would assist our township in the event of a rail emergency within our township.
Building Community Through Third Party Partnerships
Municipalities of all sizes and non-profit organizations are joining forces on innovative solutions for community development and support. THis preentation explored the partnerships between municipalities and non-profits in buiulding vibrant, thriving communities. The focus was on the role of the YMCA across Canada and how they worked with communities to bridge funding gaps in community services.
June 11th Council and Committee of the Whole Meeting
Delegations and Presentations
Paul Osborn, Superintendent of Community Paramedicine provided a presentation regarding the County of Lennox & Addington Community Paramedics. The program delivers health promotion, illness prevention, patient assessments, keeping families in their homes and alleviates strain on the healthcare system.
Council received three delegations regarding the Noise By-law exemption request from Hot2TrotStables.
Council also heard from residents regarding the reciprocal use agreement with the Limestone District School Board.
Statutory Public Meeting – Items under the Planning Act Public Meeting
WJ Henderson Recreation Centre (322 Amherst Drive) - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - D14-001-2024
Council approved the Zoning By-law amendment.
Items for Consideration
Council approved the following:
Council appointed Mayor Hegadorn as the Council Member to the Lennox and Addington Detachment Board. Staff will advertise for the joint community member with Greater Napanee and Council appointees to the Detachment Board review applications and make a recommendation to their respective Councils for appointment.
There were two noise exemption requests approved for Umicore Battery Materials Inc. and Hot2Trot Stables.
Township staff will participate in the development of the County of Lennox and Addington GIS Strategic Plan.
Loyalist Township Infrastructure Masterplan (IMP) was adopted as a policy document and is designed to identify core infrastructure needs (road right-of-way, potable water, sanitary sewage, and stormwater systems) to 2046.
Community Safety Zones will be implemented on all Township roads in proximity to any school on a Township right-of-way, and a new policy, “Establishing a Community Safety Zone” was adopted. The Parking By-law was updated with no parking and no stopping areas in proximity to schools and/or parks.
A Reciprocal Use Agreement was approved between Loyalist Township and the Limestone District School Board for the shared use of Township facilities, sports fields and school facilities.
Council also approved the draft Lease Agreement, and its associated costs, with the school board for the Amherst Island Public School for community use.
Committee of the Whole
Staff recommended updates to the Recreation Cancellation and Refund Policy which relates to the cancellations and refunds of Township recreation including indoor facilities, parks, sport courts and fields, memberships, and programs for customer use.
Items approved through the Consent Agenda
Bill 185, Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act and the Proposed Provincial Planning Statement
Minutes of the May 28, 2024 meeting of Council and Committee of the Whole
Minutes of the May 27, 2024 Community Grant Committee
Minutes of the June 4, 2024 W.J. Henderson Recreation Centre Renewal Fundraising Committee
You can view the Council and Committee of the Whole Meeting meeting on YouTube including the Agenda Package at:
June 25th Council and Committee of the Whole Meeting
Presentations & Delegations
Dayle Gowan, Board member of the Amherst Island Agricultural Society provided a presentation and addressed Council regarding the Pavilion Project.
Items for Consideration Council approved the following:
Staff to enter into negotiations with Waste Connections of Canada to extend the Solid Waste Collection/Disposal of Non-Recyclables contract until December 1, 2026.
City of Kingston Funding Agreement which sets out the terms of the financial contribution of 6.55M with the City towards the capital costs of a new aquatic centre at the WJ Henderson Renewal Project.
The removal of the holding symbol for the Barr Homes development located at 4450 Taylor Kidd Boulevard in Amherstview which will include commercial space on the ground floor and 18 residential units on the upper floors.
The amended Fees and Charges By-law Schedule 'F' Recreation Services which includes the rental rates for the use of the community space at the Amherst Island Public School.
Items approved through the Consent Agenda
Building Activity Report - May 2024
Minutes of the June 11, 2024 meeting of Council and Committee of the Whole
Minutes of the June 18, 2024 Community Grant Committee and approval of the Community grants within
You can view the Council and Committee of the Whole Meeting meeting on YouTube including the Agenda Package at:
June 27 Heritage Committee
I was designated as chair of the committee for the current session of council. With a fairly new committee the meeting served to outline the functions of the committee and bringing members up to speed with current status of files within the committee.
Clerks Office Presentation for Committees of Council Training on Procedures and Best Practices
List of Unfinished Projects for Heritage Committee March 2024
Heritage Permit Application - Fairfield Homestead - 4574 Bath Road, Amherstview was approved and moved to Council
Amherstview West Update
The township is pleased to advise that the following draft Secondary Plan documents are now available for review and comment on our website, www.loyalist.ca/amherstviewwest :
Draft Amherstview West Secondary Plan (July 2024)
Draft Official Plan Amendment (July 2024)
Draft Zoning By-law Amendment (July 2024)
Draft Urban Design Guidelines (July 2024)
Noise Feasibility Study (July 2, 2024)
Future Development Area Options - Evaluation Memo (July 16, 2024)
The following final reports will be posted to webpage in the coming days:
Natural Hazards and Stormwater Management Report
Water and Sanitary Servicing Report
Draft MCEA Environmental Study Report
Final Background Analysis Report
The township will also be holding a Public Open House for the Secondary Plan on July 31, 2024, in a hybrid format. Details for the open house are also posted at our webpage, above.
Cataraqui Conservation information can be found at
Lennox & County Council agendas and minutes can be found at
CamSafe Launch
A reminder that the OPP launched CamSafe the security camera program in our township. Registering your camera with CamSafe allows the OPP to locate cameras that may be of assistance instead of going door to door in a neighbourhood looking for info. This is a totally volunteer program which is available to all residents and no cost and can be withdrawn from at anytime. . For further information go to https://www.loyalist.ca/en/news/camsafe-program-launches-in-loyalist-township.aspx or https://camsafe.ca/
A reminder that our accessible transportation web page www.loyalist.ca/accessibletransit is packed with information so please provide the link to anyone who is looking for more information. I met with some concerned members of the community about our transportation plans going forward. Discussion focused on the report "Bringing Commuter Public Transportation to Rural Kingston, Gananoque, South Frontenac, and Loyalist". We hope to be rolling out our plan in the fall.
Loyalist Township uses the CodeRED notification system to help us get important messages to you quickly when an emergency is happening. CodeRED is a notification system you can sign up for. When you subscribe you will get alerts about emergencies and other important situations happening near you. We can deliver alerts to you by phone, text, email, or TDD for the hearing impaired, depending on what you choose. To sign up go tp the following link.
Check out the following link to find to stay update with consultations going on in Loyalist and sign up for email information.
On air with CJAI 101.3 Amherst Island Radio in the noon-2:00pm time slot on Thursdays. Spinning some tunes interspersed with some local talk. If you know of any potential guests in the area who may wish to join me drop me a line! On the internet at cjai.ca