November 5th Santa Claus Parade
November 6th Committee of Adjustment
November 9th Fairfield Gutzeit House
November 9th Special Meeting of Council
November 11th Remembrance Day
November 13th 20th Session of Council
November 15th Cataraqui Conservation Planning Committee
November 16th ESS Visit
November 23rd CamSafe Launch
November 23rd Cataraqui Conservation Personnel Committee
November 25th Light Up The Season
November 27th 21st Session of Council
November 30th Cataraqui Conservation Strategic Planning
I completed my first year on Council as of November 15th. It was a year of learning about many issues and views within the township. The community is well represented by the staff of Loyalist Township and the people they serve. For myself, I've had a 100% attendance record for all Township meetings this year. I had to declare one Conflict of Interest this year on a matter related to a family member and it is duly record in the Public Record. I wish everyone a restful holiday season with family and friends. No matter what faith you practice or if you don't practice any faith please be good to one & another!
November 5th Santa Claus Parade
Always a great day for a walk! My first parade as a member of Council and it was great to see the turnout for the 42nd annual parade as sponsored by the Amherstview Lions Club. Saw lots of familiar faces and good to see the excitement on the kids faces! Thanks to the anonymous member of the community of shots of me taking pictures of the crowds!
November 6th Committee of Adjustment
The Committee received reports on the following and approved the two minor variance requests
4716 Lakeside Lane
154 Amherst Drive
November 9th Fairfield-Gutzeit House
The House is receiving an extensive refurbishment with support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation. Members of Township Council as well as MPP Ric Bresee and a representative of OTF break ground to symbolize our continuing support of our historic past.
November 9th Special Meeting of Council
During the Special Council Meeting on November 9, 2023, Loyalist Township Council endorsed the renewal of the W.J. Henderson Recreation Centre which will include the construction of a new aquatic facility. Council received a Validation Report which summarized the proposed design for the project along with the costs, strategies, and timelines for the implementation for the first phase of the project.
This project phase represents an improvement to the services which have historically been offered at the facility to meet the needs of a growing Loyalist community. For the full report and council meeting double click on the words highlighted in RED above.
November 11th Remembrance Day
I attended the Remembrance Day Ceremony at the Wilton Cenotaph and was honoured to hand out township pins to the first responders and troops who attended the reception after at the Palace in Odessa. Following that I was able to drop into the Bath Legion to visit with members who assembled there after their ceremony.
November 13th 20th Session of Council
Public Meetings
496 Main Street, Bath to consider an amendment to the Township Zoning By-law 2001-38 and the Official Plan, along with a draft plan of the subdivision. Council received comments from members of the public and directed staff to bring forward a recommendation for decision to a future Council meeting.
1214 County Road 4 and 1280 County Road 4 – Zoning By-law Amendments to consider an amendment to the Township Zoning By-law was approved through a By-law.
Delegations and Presentations
Patrick Godfrey of Northland Power presented to Council regarding the Bath Energy Storage LP. Northland Power project
2023 Ameriks Scholarship Fund, Council approved that each of the three eligible applicants receive $845.55 from the Ameriks Scholarship Fund.
Items from Agenda
W.J. Henderson Recreation Centre Arena Plant Emergency Repair Council authorized a capital transfer of $34,599 from Cost Centre 230010 - Leisure & Activity Centre Accessibility/ Universal Washroom Project to the W.J. Henderson Recreation Centre to fund the emergency replacement of the dehumidifier rotar wheel.
Procurement of Fire Pumper Replacement(s) Council approved the purchase of a fire pumper from Dependable Emergency Vehicles at a cost of $706,316.00 plus HST to be delivered in the spring of 2024 and the purchase of a fire pumper from Dependable Emergency Vehicles at an estimated cost of $740,000 to $800,000 plus HST to be delivered before the end of 2024.
Air Monitoring Station – MECP Council authorized the CAO to enter into an agreement with the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) for the temporary installation of an Air Monitoring Station at the Bath Fire Station.
Information Reports
Recreation & Leisure Seasonal Update
Tax Write-offs and Other Adjustments
Appointed Clerk through By-law 2023-05, welcome to Anne Kantharajah
The Council Package and the entire meeting can be viewed at
November 15th Cataraqui Conservation Planning Committee
The following Reports were received and approved
Ecological Offsetting in the Cataraqui Region-Draft Policy endorsed and sent to staff for finalization
Small Accessories Structures Report was received and Approved as per Ministry requirements
November 16th Ernestown Secondary School Visit
I visited Rileigh Tilly's grade twelve class for a general discussion about the community. Topics covered included:
focus on active citizenship beyond voting
how they could get involved in the community
the needs of vulnerable groups in the community
what role does a councillor play in the community
community groups that the students could get involved with
I took questions from the students and enjoyed a trip through memory lane from my years at ESS.
November 23rd CamSafe Launch
In coordination with the OPP CamSafe launched the security camera program in our township. Registering your camera with CamSafe allows the OPP to locate cameras that may be of assistance instead of going door to door in a neighbourhood looking for info. This is a totally volunteer program which is available to all residents and no cost and can be withdrawn from at anytime. For futher information go to or
Left to right: Councillor Paul Proderick, Detachment Commander John Hatch and Mayor Jim Hegadorn standing in front of the Amherstview water tower located next to the Leisure & Activity Centre where facility security cameras have recently been registered as part of the CAMSafe program in Loyalist Township.
November 23rd Cataraqui Conservation Personnel Committee
This meeting was held in camera as it dealt with numerous personnel issues
November 25th Light Up The Season
Thanks to all community members, volunteers and staff who put together this 21st annual gathering. Horse drawn wagon, reindeers, marshmellows, crafts and Frosty were just a few of the activities available at various stations. Thanks to Ontario Power Generation, L&A County Milk Board, and Foodland Amherstview and the Lions Club of Amherstview for sponsoring for this gathering.
November 27th 21st Session of Council
The following is from the "Council In Brief" which can be found on the township website.
Chuck Farmer, Chief Transition Officer and Vice-President, Planning, Conservation & Resource Adequacy from Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) addressed Council regarding Securing Ontario’s Energy Future: The Transitional Role of Natural Gas Generation.
Philippe Abergel, Director, Development from Renewable Energy Systems Canada Inc. addressed Council regarding Rockery Energy Storage Project
Public Meeting was held in accordance with the provision of the Planning Act
Payne Funeral Home's request to rezone part of property at 42 William Street Odessa was approved
Zoning By-law Amendments for Emma Street Odessa were presented and a recommendation be brought forward to Council once comments from Township Departments, Agencies and the public have been addressed
Items from Agenda
IESO's Long-Term Electricity Procurement - Council Support Resolution- Residents attended the meeting to address Council regarding on the IESO's Long-Term Electricity Procurement - Council Support Resolution. Council also received petitions and written correspondence from residents regarding this matter. Council did not pass the staff recommended motion, instead Council passed a motion to receive the staff report and not take any further action.
Council approved the additional borrowing of $300,00 under the Tile Drainage Loan Program for aid in the construction of drainage works for those residents who may need the service
The Odessa and Wilton Flower Barrel Agreement was approved
Terms of Reference were approved for the Committee of Adjust and Appeals Committee, please watch for postings for Committee members in the near future.
By-law was approved to appoint Livestock Valuers
Information Reports
2024 Budget Engagement Update
Storm Water Management System
Building Activity Report October 2023
The full Council Package and meeting can be found at:
November 30th Cataraqui Conservation Strategic Planning
Staff from the Institute on Governance continued to work with the staff and the board on the Cataraqui Conservation Strategic Plan update which will be presented in the new year
The current general manager has submitted her resignation to pursue other career opportunities and the hiring process will take place in the new year
A reminder that our accessible transportation web page is packed with information so please provide the link to anyone who is looking for more information.
Loyalist Township uses the CodeRED notification system to help us get important messages to you quickly when an emergency is happening. CodeRED is a notification system you can sign up for. When you subscribe you will get alerts about emergencies and other important situations happening near you. We can deliver alerts to you by phone, text, email, or TDD for the hearing impaired, depending on what you choose. To sign up go tp the following link.
On air with CJAI 101.3 Amherst Island Radio in the noon-2:00pm time slot on Thursdays. Spinning some tunes interspersed with some local talk. If you know of any potential guests in the area who may wish to join me drop me a line! On the internet at